After I googling a few minutes, I found this page and this page. These are the answer!
Follow these steps:
1. download LPR driver from this page. (*choose the driver for Debian, The MFC 240C model)
2. open the terminal and run this commands
3. double clicks the LPR driver (mfc240clpr-1.0.0-9.i386.deb) to install.
sudo mkdir /var/spool/lpdsudo mkdir /var/spool/lpd/mfc240c
4. download cupswrapper from this page. (*choose the driver for Debian, The MFC 240C model)
5. if everything works, the printer will show in System->Administration->Printing
if you plugs the printer on this computer(via USB). It's can work now.
if this printer is shared from other computer and want to add it via network like me.(Go to step 6.)
6. open System->Administration->Printing and click MFC204C like above image. On the right,
Click the Change button on the "Device URI" line. and Find out where your printers!.
7. Try printing the test page and see what you've done.