Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Microsoft Office 2007 disable Acer wireless button

Today's morning, I found that my acer aspire 5021 can't use the wifi. The wireless button in front of the case didn't work as normal. Regularly when press the wireless button, the button turns orange and the green 'Wireless Device Enabled" appears on screen. But now nothing happened.

I'm very upset with this. I tried to press the button many times or restart the Windows but it didn't work. I wondered that the root of problem is software related to driver but I had installed Broadcom drivers and Launch manager and it used to work as well.

I tried to reinstall Broadcom driver and Launch manager. It didn't work.

I think of last night. I installed Microsoft Office 2007 before go to bed. It' seem no involvement between Office 2007 and wireless. But I don't know what to do , so I give it a try.

I uninstall the Office 2007 and It's work!!!

It's weird and I don't know why.
I may find the reason about this if I have times.


  1. If i were you, my notebook must now already formatted harddisk 555

  2. If I were you, I would go to iStudio to buy a MacBookPro.five five five

  3. I have the same problem and found a solution.the solution was for me after installing office 2007 then reinstall launch manager and al works now fine for me

  4. I've try that solution but it didn't work for me. :Pmaybe I'll try again soon.Thank you for your solution. :)

  5. Just hold the button down for 10 seconds or so, let go. Then wait. The button light should flicker orange and then come on again and wireless will be restored.

  6. refurbished computersDecember 11, 2009 at 5:30 AM

    It' seem no involvement between Office 2007 and wireless. But I don't know what to do , so I give it a try.
